UTC RETAIL Releases ReadyCLOUD Enhanced POS Hosting Services
Jan 18, 2021

The ReadySTORE POS Application Can Now be Fully Hosted and Managed by UTC RETAIL’s Flexible ReadyCLOUD Solution
Rochester, NY, January 1, 2021: UTC RETAIL, a full-service provider of retail solutions to the specialty retail marketplace, including software, hardware, and professional services, announces the formal release of their enhanced ReadyCLOUD POS Hosting Services. ReadyCLOUD is a flexible service offering configured specifically to address each customers’ unique business requirements.
“Every retailer is unique with a distinctly different set of capabilities and requirements” said Sam Villanti, President and CEO for UTC RETAIL. “As a result, we make our offerings as flexible as possible so that we can meet any level of support and the specific needs of each individual customer. Every ReadyCLOUD engagement is tailored to precisely align with that retail partner.”
Combined with the advanced strategic deployment architecture of ReadySTORE Point-Of-Sale, ReadyCLOUD provides retailers with the highest degree of flexibility. In addition to the extendable hosting services UTC RETAIL can provide the ability to quickly change technology stacks and connected devices. They also allow for a cloud migration to meet the capabilities of their infrastructure. With ReadyCLOUD you can convert stores with strong connectivity and slowly convert others as infrastructure improvements are made. ReadyCLOUD is highly scalable as well, adjustable to the exact specifications required.
UTC RETAIL offers a suite of retail solutions, including software, hardware and services, which help our customers to thrive in the ever-changing and always accelerating retail climate. With over 30 years of experience and over 450,000 store-level installations, UTC RETAIL has been recognized as the industry leader in delivering outstanding service and exceptional value. To date, more than 200 retailers, ranging in size from 1 store to over 2,000, have chosen UTC RETAIL as their trusted partner. For more information on UTC RETAIL, call us at 1-800-349-0456, visit us at www.utcretail.com